Name: Bear

Email Address:

Bear is a 1 year old neutered Lab mix. We adopted him when he was three months old. He absolutely loves everyone he meets and is happiest when he's with his people. He is a high energy dog that would do well with an active family that will take him on walks daily. He does well with all dogs and children he's met. Because of his high energy, he'd likely do best in a home with older children or adults only. He is house trained and does well in his crate. He would love to have a dog mate to play with.

POSTING DATE: 1/19/2025

Name: Sally

Email Address:

Sally is a 4 year old spayed Yellow lab mix. She is the sweetest, kindest doggie. She is just a joy to be around. She loves attention and loves to play fetch and go on walks. She is so easy and only asks for attention. She loves to play in the garden hose! She likes all other dogs and always enjoys going to daycare. She is up to date on vaccinations and monthly heart worm meds. She walks well on leash. She is so gentle around young kids, not jumping nor knocking down. I could see her being a therapy dog. She has this calmness, gentle quality about her. I love her so much and this is incredibly hard to let go of her.

POSTING DATE: 2/10/2025

Locally Owned pets needing a new home

Below are adoptable dogs needing a new home because their owners have had a lifestyle change requiring them to find a new home for their pet.   Please be aware that the dogs posted on this page are courtesy listings.  These dogs do not belong to Wish Bone Canine Rescue; we have not assessed or examined them.  All information provided has been submitted by the owners; we cannot verify its accuracy.  For additional information or to adopt, please contact the owner listed. 

If you own a dog that you can no longer keep and would like to find a new home for it, click on the link below which will take you directly to our application for posting your dog. Please complete the form and submit and we will post as soon as possible.  Dogs will remain posted as a courtesy listing on our website for one month, after which you must resubmit a new application.

​you may also wish to contact Adopt-a-Pet @